Salt Products Affiliate Disclaimer

Affiliate Disclaimer

SM Salt [] participates in the Amazon Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and its affiliated websites.

What Does This Mean?

Simply put, if you click on a link on SM Salt that takes you to and you make a purchase, we may earn a commission. This helps us keep SM Salt up and running and providing you with valuable content.

Do Prices Increase Because of Affiliate Links?

Absolutely not! Clicking on an affiliate link does not increase the price of any product you purchase. The commission is paid by Amazon, not by you.

We Strive for Transparency

We are committed to transparency with our readers. We will always disclose when a link is an affiliate link. We will also only recommend products that we believe in and that we think will be of value to our readers.

Thank you for your Support!

By using our affiliate links, you are helping to support SM Salt. We appreciate your support!